Big Changes are Coming
So it's been a while since the last new content, for that I can only apologise. I need to wrap up some things on here and then let you know about the exciting new changes that are coming.
Last Post - My book is out and I feel great
Like I said in the post my first proper novel came out and after a whole lot of years of struggle to get it there, I felt a surge of relief. It wasn't even important to me how many copies it sold, just that it was out and people could read it.
Well it won't be bothering the bestseller list any time soon, but it has done and continues to do exceedingly well. Retaliation is my most purchased book on Amazon KDP, ore pages of it has been read on Kindle Unlimited than any of my others and I have sold more physical copies of it than any thing else I have done. I am proud of my little book that could and hope it continues to make people happy.
The Great Writing Challenge
I started a challenge last year with the aim of discovering what it takes to become a great writer, but I never finished writing about it. I didn't have the time or capital I needed to do everything I was challenging myself with, so I never explored all the elements that I wanted to. I have however gleaned some further information over the last year or so since I started it and will likely sum it all up for you in the future. Some interesting bits and some absolutely pointless things, but it all helps with the experience.
What's New?
We are changing the format of the site from a general advice and whinge column from myself (there will still be some of that) to a review, recommendation and advice service. You may have already seen the updating of the page to a fresher look.
What's involved?
- Reviews: I will be reading and reviewing books old and new, fiction and non-fiction, traditional and self published in an attempt to give a non-bias view of the writing itself, story and characters. We will also be accepting submissions for review, the section for that has not been created yet but keep your eyes peeled if interested.
- Recommendations: Anytime we find a book or series that we feel is worth checking out it will be posted here, eventually we hope to create an email mailing list for recommendations. If that interests you let us know in the comments and we will get started on the mailing list.
- Advice: We are still in the business of trial and error and will continue to speak to you about what works and what doesn't from the world of publishing and self-publishing.
- Whinging: There will still be the usual supply of what is bugging editor Martin with regards to the literary world, there's really no stopping him.
- Social Media: Up until now there have been no specific social media presence for this page, that is about to change, we will be launching our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube profiles shortly. Keep your eyes peeled and we will keep you updated.
- More Content: We will be posting content more often, some will be quick updates, some reviews but all more often than at the moment. We are also hoping to have some guest contributors to add new voices to the mix.
That's it for the moment, stay tuned, subscribe, share and follow. The more support we have the more we can do.
Thanks for your time :)
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