Top 3 Tips to knowing what to write about
What should I write?
I spoke a couple of weeks back about people who believe that they can't write a book, since then I have been asked by a number of people about what they should write about. 'I don't know' is the only answer I can truly give and that is because I really have no idea.
I gain inspiration for books after listening to music, watching films, speaking to friends, listening to my children. There are a number of ways to inspire yourself to write, whether fiction or non-fiction, so here are some tips to help you along the way.
1. What do you know?
This isn't just for non-fiction, it can and should also apply to fiction. John Grisham is an amazing writer, well known for exciting Legal thrillers, the majority of which have been turned into major motion pictures. Why is he so good, because he knows his subject matter, after being a lawyer in the deep south he understands how that particular world works and is able to write exciting stories about it. Grisham also has a passion for American Football and turned that passion into success with books such as 'Bleachers' and 'Playing for Pizza.'
I have written non-fiction books about sales, due to my career as a Sales Manager I have knowledge I am happy to pass on. Writing what you know is a good starting point for any new book.

This can be work, hobbies, your partner, family, kids, cars or outer space, if it floats your boat then you will make others love it too. I have a wide range of interests and areas of enjoyment, I like my job so I write about sales, I love to write so I blog about it, I grew up to enjoy Sci-fi so my new book 'Retaliation' is based in outer space, I love my kids so I have written children's books. The list goes on and on, because you have to love what you write about otherwise your reader will realise that you don't and then they will not enjoy what they are reading.

Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction you have a story to tell your reader, what is it, can you see it in your head, who are the main characters, what is the conflict, how will it end. Before you have a written down plan of a book, you have to have an idea one that tells you why you want to write the book, what story is it telling and where are the exciting bits that every one will want to read. My favourite part of writing is that initial story in my head, I have no doubt that it will change when I start to write it and it will evolve from the simplistic view in my head, but that is what got me to start in the first place.
If you want to write a book and are unsure of what to do, consider these questions, once you have went trough the motions you will more than likely see your next story right in front of you.
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