My book is out and I feel great

I have been writing this story for ten years, I always loved the idea of this book and what it would be like to tell the story, but I didn't honestly believe that I ever would. I had never wrote anything, I tried and then would become frustrated by the process and stop. Then would pick it back up at a future date try again and stop.

It wasn't until I attended university as a mature student and was forced to write essay's that I found that writing wasn't so bad after all. So I attempted something shorter, a business themed book which like the essay's I had written allowed me to use my own voice, it was a long process and took many months to complete for all of a ten thousand word book. But there it was I had done it, it was possible that I could become a writer after all.

Over the next few years I wrote a handful of other books, including business books and children's stories, but this is the first time I have ever finished an actual novel. The fact that this is such an old story for me makes it even better. Sure the story has changed over the years and you never truly know where it's going until it's done but this story is all mine, I created my own world and characters and gave them life through my words, this is my story and now I finally get to tell it.

I have had a few false starts with the release, this was the third date set for launch, but I have finally got there and now it doesn't even matter that much to me how many people read this book, it's just amazing to me that they can. I know I will spend the next few weeks marketing, promoting and generally upsetting everyone I know with it, but then the fun bit begins.

The fun bit being that I get to write the next part, oh yes the follow up or side story, because when I wrote Retaliation I didn't create one story I create a universe of possible stories. I am so excited by the release of Retaliation that I have five more stories in that series planned, some short, some longer, direct sequels, prequels and side stories. This is just the beginning for Retaliation and the Earth Reclamation Force and I cannot wait to get going again, because the man who couldn't write a book has a whole series of them to author now.

The biggest thing that excites me in all this however is when I meet someone who has read the book and getting to discuss the characters with them, they may not be Harry Potter or Hermione Granger, but Scott Cave and Selina Laverty are like my children and I am so proud of them.

Written by Martin Wallace

Retaliation; an Earth Reclamation Force Story


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